Monday, September 5, 2011

Glamour, real housewives and a LOST suitcase

Los a dream and now a dream come true.

I was there.....where the Hollywood letters are, where Bruce Wills pressed his feed("s" just for you girls) and hands in the cement, where Frankie Boy has his star and where every waitor/waitress wants to be an actor/actress/singer/artist (ok sorry some of them wanna be waitor and waitress).

On saturday we went to see the Hollywood sign, Santa Monica and the Rodeo Drive. The hollywood sign was what I expected. It's just when I saw that sign for the first time I knew finally I am there where all those movies (not that I ever saw one of them) were made. All the glamour and stars. But actually it is so dirty on some streets omg. But that doesn't mettet because I saw SANDRA BULLOCK'S house.....yeah you heared right I was there. We drove to her house we didn't see her but I bet she saw us through her cameras.
and we "walked in Julia Roberts shoes" on the Rodeo Drive. Really nice there and Aylin bought something at Tiffany & Co. so sweet.

After that we went to the new restaurant of one of the real housewifes of Beverly Hills. I must say those wifes are really not the smartest women on earth but the restaurant was really nice and the food was really good.......

Tummy filed and on the way to Santa Monica, it is nice there but omg is that a long walk in the sand just to get to the water. Omg that was my excersice for one month. :-P

We stopped quick at one million dollar shake on the way back to our hotel. Yummiiiiiiiiiiii I had the billion dollar shake. That was ferrero Rocher and Bananas. Yummmmiiiiiiii :-) best ever.....also better than the shake shack one sorryyyyyyy but I still love your burgers and no one makes a basil frozen custard as yours is.

So finally back we discovered that one of Aylin's suitcase was gone. After talking to the creepy front desk guy we called the police, we talked to the security guy and after that went to the police and made a report.
But respect Aylin......I wouldn't have stayed so calm like you did.

So after all that excitment we went to bed.

More tomorrow about how we maybe found the back again and how gorgeous and arty Laguna Beach is!!!!

Love you guys Sarah

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